\newcommand{\meann}{\frac{1}{N} \sumn}
\newcommand{\cltn}{\frac{1}{\sqrt{N}} \sumn}
\newcommand{\grad}[2]{\nabla_{#1} \left. #2 \right.}
\newcommand{\gradat}[3]{\nabla_{#1} \left. #2 \right|_{#3}}
\newcommand{\fracat}[3]{\left. \frac{#1}{#2} \right|_{#3}}
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For this quiz, we’ll consider the linear models
y_n ={} \betav^\trans \xv_n + \res_n
y_n ={} \gammav^\trans \zv_n + \eta_n
\xv_n ={} (1, \x_n)^\trans
\zv_n ={} (1, \z_n)^\trans \textrm{ where}
\overline{\x} :={} \meann \x_n
\z_n :={} \x_n - \overline{\x}.
Assume that \(\x_n\) is not a constant (i.e., for at least one pair \(n\) and \(m\), \(\x_n \ne \x_m\).).
Let \(\X\) denote the \(N \times 2\) matrix whose \(n\)–th row is \(\xv_n^\trans\), and \(\Z\) denote the \(N \times 2\) matrix whose \(n\)–th row is \(\zv_n^\trans\).
Recall that the inverse of a 2x2 matrix is given by
a & b \\
c & d
\end{pmatrix}^{-1} =
\frac{1}{ad - bc}
d & -b \\
-c & a
You have 20 minutes for this quiz.
There are three parts, (a), (b), and (c), each weighted equally..
Find a \(2 \times 2\) matrix \(\A\) such that \(\Z = \X \A\).
Suppose I tell you that the OLS estimate of \(\beta\) is given by \(\betahat = (2, 3)\), and that \(\overline{x} = 4\). What is the value of \(\gammahat\), the OLS estimate of \(\gamma\)?
In general, can you say whether one regression will provide a better fit than the other? That is, can you say which of \(\meann (\y_n - \zv_n^\trans\gammahat)^2\) and \(\meann (\y_n - \xv_n^\trans\betahat)^2\) is smaller? Argue why or why not.